Monday, July 9, 2018

Lake Champlain = Pelots Bay to Shelborne

9:20 am: We leave Pelots Bay and Daniele see a boat with two masts with a slight look of a pirate ship in Carry Bay.  

Daniele is almost certain to recognize Novinic, a boat of her friends Paul and Johanne, on which I made my first voyage on a part of the river and the Saguenay. A VHF call confirmed that it was them. 

We will surely meet again on the lake. 

There is an LTE network near Mooney Bay, good to know. 

We are doing 5.4 knots with a reef in the mainsail and full genoa and then later with a reduced genoa. The south wind oscillates between 12 and 15 knots with gusts to 22. 

The lake is almost black. Its blue is so deep that at certain angles the waves appear black.

Allan is very busy inside, he tries to arrange a meeting with a mechanic from Shelburne Ship Yard. It is imperative to have the transmission checked before descending further south, but the AT & T service does not work as well on water as on land. 

During this time, the waves are formed and the sheep appear. I hear a little unusual noise, I turn around and at first glance, I do not see anything abnormal. 

Then ... where is the dinghy ??? Oh no!!! 


Manoeuvring a man overboard procedure to the sea. On two or three occasions we will try to recover it under sail without success, it is still necessary to quickly there is a shallow area nearby. We start the engine, we put everything down and we recover the dinghy quickly.

Daniele did not want to put the sails back up so we will motor a couple of miles to cross the ferry's path.  She was worried about sailing across a ferry's path. Then we hoist the sails again.  
She does not realize that even if we are doing six knots, it would take 20 minutes to get to the ferry's path.  But she is not happy to put up the sails.

The sky is a sparkling blue no clouds come to disturb him. The mountains all around are bathed in a whitish halo and the farthest peaks look greyish white. 

The wind has really weakened, we release the reef. We had some problem with Lazy Jack's lines that is caught in the sail batten pocket. No way to lower or rails the sail. After 10 minutes of wiggling we are free. 

We anchored in Sled Runner in Shelburne Bay. Good swim. 

19:30 Indian meal with Rioja. 

Surprisingly, there is no mosquito. Life was really good! 

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